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21Publish - Cooperative Publishing

We are currently seeking the donations of a tablet pc with dvd-rw drive, and a digital camera with megapixels and optical resolution.

For any who would be so kind to donate to the cause, so that are site programming needs, and project planning can be exacted with more ease via the tablet, please contact us at [email protected] or send the donations to RevolutionRoom c/o D. wilson pob 4022 Bristol CT 06011. Feel free to call Agent 7 @ 860-40-7540 pertaining only to donation questions.

Thankyou for your consideration:)

All Donators will be listed here in the Honorable section whether it be individual, organization, or business.

The Honorable:

Definition of a hero:

  It is heroes who have  changed the world, and we can learn a great deal from their example.
If we allow ourselves to fall into complacency we may find ourselves losing everything that our ancestor freedom-fighters fought for.

By re-versing yourself with the struggles that came before you, a process of inspiration can take place.  
Also, we are no strangers to the fact that history is retold in the version the teachers we are subjected to would like us to see.

Here you will have an opportunity for true research, so you can decide what really happened.
We invite poems, essays, articles and artwork( in .jpeg format)
that you would like to dedicate to the hero, of your choice.   
Send your work ( and please copyright it first (
(even if you send it to yourself in the mail and never open it unless you have to do so in court to prove the work is yours...called the poor man's copyright) to us at:

[email protected]
[email protected].

Try the address first as it is the most frequently checked.

RevolutionRoom donors:

The following have sponsored and donated needed tools to keep this website alive.
Please visit their sites, or call them ( if a number is provided) to request a catalog of their products or services. 
If you have something you would like to  donate to our cause please email us at
[email protected] and include Donor in the subject line. 

Public records:

This section is reserved for the open to the public financial records of the organization down to donations recieved and money raised.

This way you can see what we are doing with the funds we collect.  

Financial plans/forecasts: